Motion 1 by Steve Charles:
Grandfather in the incumbent Trustee’s in District’s 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 for one year until the OCA meeting at the 2022 Congress.
Motion 2 by Steve Charles:
Delete all language in Article 6 Section 3 and insert language “District Trusteeships of the OCA shall have terms of two years with the Trusteeship term ending at the annual OCA general membership meeting in even-numbered years.”
Motion 3 by Steve Charles:
Delete all language in Article 6 Section 4 and insert the language “Beginning with the Election at the OCA annual general membership meeting at the 2022 Congress the members shall elect Trustees to all 10 OCA Districts for a two-year term ending at the 2024 OCA annual general membership meeting.
Motion 4 by Steve Charles:
In Article 6 section 9 a) insert the language “On even-numbered years” to read “a) On even-numbered years elect a President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer.”
Send comments to OCA President, Michael Joelson at